Home < This Is Trump

This Is Trump

An interactive Donald Trump experience


Raise a Wall to keep out the Bad Hombres!
Throw Tweets to discredit the Biased Liberal Media!

Foreword: This is not any sort of endorsement for President Trump. I know I have two Trump-related things on my site now (see: Wu-Trump): he’s an easy target and apparently a great source of inspiration for side projects.


In this game you play as the man in charge President Donald Trump. You are “running for president” but the Bad Hombres and Biased Liberal Media are trying to take you down! Build those walls and tweet like you’ve never tweeted before in this adrenaline-pumping side scrolling action game!


This was the first game I made on my own! I started working on it as a hackathon project (YCP Hacks 2016) and it was a big hit there. Afterwards I decided to continue developing it in my spare time during my first co-op internship at Bayada.

My goal was simple: I challenged myself to make a game about a very controversial person that everyone could enjoy, regardless of political stance. I showed this game to a diverse group of people, and I’m happy to say that everyone loved it! While I admire the compelling political messages of serious games like Papers Please, I wanted to make something different: a source of entertainment and comic relief.

Unity is a very active platform for indie developers, and I wanted to get comfortable working in it by making a simple, fun 2D game. Over the course of development I familiarized myself with the fundamentals of GameObjects/Components and practiced programming game logic, working my way up from simple collision detection, to scripts that play animations when the user presses a button, to game data persisting across scenes. While my code ended up being a little sloppy, it was my first time making my own game in Unity. Now that I’m comfortable working in that environment, I’m sure the next game I make will be much better.

Github Repo